Wednesday, August 6, 2008

all good things must come to an end

--When did you two last have a bath?
--Um, maybe in Indianapolis at Nana and Papa's house?

Now, to defend myself from receiving Parent of the Year vetoes, we certainly showered them a lot while at the beach. The house just didn't have a tub. And they swam in the sterile (?) salty ocean regularly there. And after Indy and before and in Nashville and before the beach they swam in the pool almost daily. But a real, proper, clean you all over and especially the underneath parts? Hmm. Not sure. They might be right. Into the tub gentlemen!


We met Pook's teacher for second grade. She is certified in Gifted Ed which pleases me. They didn't put all the gifted class kids in one room, which is fine. He's got lots of good friends in the room and I'm pleased with the diversity. The summer homework is finished without any significant tears. I think he's ready to start school even if he doesn't want summer to end.

Not only does Bug have to wait until after Labor Day, but our neighborhood/public pool closes for weekdays this Friday. They stay open weekends until Labor Day, but any private school kids and all the preschoolers are up a (dry) creek. This is Georgia. It is hot. My car temp said it was 100 degrees in the school parking lot today. We need the pool through at least September! I know the lifeguards have to go back to schools too, but... but what about me?


I looked at our Things To Do When Bored list that I created in May. We hit about half the items on it. Almost half of the field trips. I'm taking them to Stone Mountain tomorrow I think, and Bug and I will probably do at least one more without Pook. Not too bad, really. It was an extensive list. I think I rationed the fun field trips in June so we wouldn't have a boring July, but we got so busy in July that we didn't get any further into the list. But we did have lots of excursions with my parents, and we did add in a trip to Nashville (weekend in the cousin's pool) and we did have an excellent time at the beach. If I added all that to the list then I could cross off more than half of the total. (This sort of thing is tempting to a list maker like me)

So here we are. All good things must come to an end. And my kids will at least be starting anew cleanish.


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