Thursday, October 8, 2009

goin' to the beach!

Seems like if you're going to be sick you should be sick enough to gain sympathy and get out of your normal job chores.

But I'm glad I'm not because tomorrow we head to the beach!  The kids have a Friday/Monday vacation- possibly to celebrate Columbus- but more likely because the timing was right after having nine weeks of school.  Teachers work Friday getting report cards ready I think.  We will be driving south.

From Atlanta, there are several popular beach options, but they're all the same approximate distance.  We chose Gulf over Atlantic after some debate.  The water will be significantly warmer and the plans we had for the Atlantic trip need more time.  We've always wanted to explore Georgia's Cumberland Island.(wild horses!)  The kids are interested in the Okefenokee Swamp. (alligators!)  I think the two would make a great vacation combo pack, but probably would be too rushed in this short trip.  Plus, the mosquitoes are still swarming in the swamp, so maybe a winter trip would be best.  The alligators are calm and easily found in the colder weather too.

Instead, we will laze on the beach on the Gulf coast.  We have some serious sand castle building to do, a few books to read, and some seafood to enjoy.  CD and I celebrate our 11th anniversary on Saturday.  (I still love him!)


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