Wednesday, May 20, 2009

take three

The last cucumber plants are in the ground. I put the rim of the peat pot slightly above ground level to distract any cutworms, and I put a milk crate over the whole thing to keep away whoever else was upsetting them. Two days and counting. I'll put the rest of my baby plants in the ground as soon as I have time- sweet peppers and more tomato plants. A volunteer with pea or bean leaves is looking for a trelis. I'll keep it out of curiousity. I think some of my radishes are radishes. I should thin my carrots because when they got dug up they got clumpy, but there are only a few clumps and if I thinned them I'd have very few carrots. They are just an experiment anyway.

Pook's baseball team is entering the semi-finals. They were seated 9th (of 14) but were the only team to have beaten the #1 team. When faced with them last night they did it again. This is exciting, but it is also more baseball. Both baseball and school are finished on Friday. They went to bed late last night. Again. Three of his coaches have asked me about his glasses. He "squints or closes his right eye" at bat and has a much better swing than his batting average reflects. I told Pook about their questions and emails. "No, thank you" is all he'll say. No explanation. He wears the glasses all day at school, removing them still for gym and outdoor play. We've told him they're safe and he can keep them on but he hasn't done it yet.

Bug woke up at 1:10 am and I knew it wasn't good. He couldn't find dry pj bottoms (which pleased him) to replace the wet ones he had on. He screamed and yelled and tried his best to make us all miserable until we finally settled him at 1:47. I fell back asleep quickly, which surprises me, but I'm still exhausted this morning. So were both kids.

Bug has a playdate this afternoon. I'll plant my seedlings. Pook has more baseball tonight. Dinner tonight? Sandwiches packed in a cooler at the ballpark. Maybe we'll splurge for concession stand french fries. We'll make it to the weekend somehow.

1 comment:

  1. Boy, do I know that ambiguity about teams winning. That's how I felt at the end of football season, especially as it was starting to get cold. It makes me feel better that you're not done planting yet, since I have yet to start on the vegetables.
