Coneflowers, primarily purple but with at least one in gold, share the space with daisies. I reintroduced the Becky daisy last summer and it has taken off well. Unfortunately, the Black Eyed Susans are hard to find this year and will need to be encouraged. A full area of the three is the ultimate goal. Purple Heart and Lambs Ear fill the low spaces. (And a couple of cherry tomato plants hide out too.)
Other petals are found in surprising places. A Black Eyed Susan has chosen the crevice between the fence and driveway. I will let it remain. A six foot specimen which requires some research to name is blooming in our wooded area across the sidewalk. Other than filling it all in tighter, this is a great year for the daisy-like blooms.
I planted Black-Eyed Susans once again this summer. They rabbits have eaten every single one. When will I learn?