Friday, May 2, 2008

the things they say

After a bike ride around the neighborhood with his dad. "Yeah, we biked so far. But... we were still in Georgia."


"Ring ring! I'm on my cellophone!"


Bug was outside with LK and they both had sticks (because they're 4yo boys and that's what they do). He held it up and announced, "I'm Mary Poppins! No... I'm Mary Popper, Mary Popp... Mary Potter...... Oh! I'm Harry Potter!"


"I think Dad needs to come out and lawn the grass. And mow over that anthill."


To me, after repeatedly trying to get my attention away from the computer: "Can't you just do work, play, work, play?" (Point taken.)


1 comment:

  1. So cute! Mary Potter! Oh - Harry Potter. So funny.

    I do a similar thing on my blog every Saturday. Posts called "Sweetie Saturday", where I talk about all the funny, silly things she's recently done. Check it out in the morning, if you like.
