Sunday, July 3, 2011

red, white and blueberries

Pook and Bug both have lovely blue eyes.  Pook's are a light blue with a darker ring around the iris.  Bug's eyes are bolder and he also got dark lashes, dark brows and hair that I thought might stay blond but didn't. Especially when still a blond toddler he got comments everywhere we went. He started giving his own answer to the question "Where did you get those blue eyes?" by answering "I put blueberries in them."

This is my segue to say that we went blueberry picking on Friday and brought home two gallons of berries.  The boys are definitely useful now.  They put more berries in the bucket than the belly.  We only picked from about six bushes, spending less than an hour to fill our container.  We were charged $20, but I had to ask her what it would have cost at the farmer's market where she sells them (and I get my CSA)-- $60.  I'd say that is worth the sweating!

Friday's recipe was a Dump Cake:
   1 cup self rising flour
   <1 cup sugar
   1 cup milk
   < 1 stick butter, melted in preheating pan
   2 cups berries
30 minutes in a 350' oven

Saturday we had sourdough pancakes with blueberries.

Sunday we finished the Dump Cake

Today we made a crisp without a recipe (really, can you go wrong?) The general ingredient list consisted of:
brown sugar
melted butter
pinch salt
4 c. blueberries tossed with 1 T cornstarch and splash of lemon juice
30 minutes in a 350' oven, served with vanilla ice cream this time.

Tomorrow's plan is to make Blueberry Sour Cream Ice Cream.  

Happy Fourth of July everyone!


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